New York’s Women’s Equality Agenda- A Bill Worth the Fight

In his January State of the Union address, Governor Cuomo announced his proposal for a 10-point omnibus bill called the Women’s Equality Agenda, which will:

  • Enact the Reproductive Health Act, to ensure that every woman in New York has access to the reproductive health care she needs, without stigma.
  • Strengthen and enforce existing measures to ensure that women achieve pay equity.
  • Close loopholes in existing law to end sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Allow for attorney fees in employment, credit and lending discrimination cases. Women are by far more likely to be victims of these types of discrimination than men.
  • Strengthen sex trafficking laws.
  • End family status discrimination, because women with children are routinely discriminated against for work and promotion.
  • Stop source-of-income discrimination, because landlords don’t like to rent to those who need low-income housing, the majority of whom are women.
  • Stop housing discrimination for victims of domestic violence, the majority of whom are women.
  • End Pregnancy Discrimination. Too often women are fired or forced to take unpaid leave due to pregnancy. Now employers are required to make reasonable adjustments for pregnancy-related issues.
  • Strengthen Order-Of-Protection laws to protect victims of domestic violence by making the process less burdensome.

Finally, a model of a positive, high-ground goal for feminists! The Women’s Equality Agenda, coming to your state soon!

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