Sen Bernie Sanders “Wall St Controls Congress”
“3 of 4 largest banks are now bigger than they were before the bailout”
Senator Bernie Sanders tells it like it is. The investment banks need to be broken up, because as long as they’re ‘too big to fail’, they are a threat to our economy and our democracy. Congress needs to update Glass-Steagall, the bill that separates lending banks from investment banks, because as long as banks are gambling with money insured by the government, it’s taking unnecessary risks with our money. Will Obama get out in front of this? He hasn’t so far…
Pennsylvania House Bans Abortion Coverage in State Insurance Exchange
Stop the Blunt Amendment- Call your Senator Now!
Hilarious Song: “Restricting Abortions is Not a Jobs Bill!”
Female DJs Taking Over
Robert Reich: Fiscal Cliff Talking Points for Democrats
Corbett to Sign Bill Banning Abortion Coverage in Obamacare
Sequester State by State
Do You Have Romnesia?
Americans Embrace the Party of No
Michigan “Superbill” Redefines Women’s Political Rights
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