Pennsylvania House Bans Abortion Coverage in State Insurance Exchange
In yet another bid to “protect” women from having access safely, and legally to their constitutional right to an abortion, the Pennsylvania Republican-led State House passed HB 818, a bill to ban abortion coverage in the state exchange. The bill has the effect of dictating to private insurers what they can and cannot offer to their private customers, or, rather, to their specifically female customers.
State Representative Brian Sims from Philadelphia gave a blistering speech on the floor in opposition to the bill, reminding his colleagues that “This legislation is about advancing a plan of oppression and suppression, even if such a plan means ignoring the oath of office that each of us swore,” said Sims,
“As a reminder Mr. Speaker…Each of us put our hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. We did not place our hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible. This legislation is bad policy, bad law, and a poor reflection of where we have come as a nation and as a state in the last 100 years.”
Here’s the video, worth watching:
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