Elizabeth Warren: Corporations Are Not People!
It seems intuitive, but if you’re a corporate lawyer, or a Supreme Court Justice, corporations have more rights than many people do– in fact, more than women, as women’s rights are not considered by some (and some Supreme Court Justices) as guaranteed in the US Constitution. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court counted corporations as people when they ruled that corporations could invest, er, I mean, contribute to political campaigns in their Citizens United ruling. Because of that, more than $1 billion has been spent in the current political slugfest that is our national election 2012.
Elizabeth Warren was tapped by President Obama to found the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and was a frequent and outspoken critic of the lack of regulations and scruples on Wall Street that caused the US economic meltdown in 2008. Predictably, her appointment to become Director was stridently (and unreasonably) opposed by Congressional Republicans, and so her name was withdrawn from consideration. She’s currently running for Senate in Massachusetts and would work hard for all of us – women, workers, consumers, the middle class, people who believe in a future worth fighting for – if elected.
Here’s her speech at DNC:
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Elizabeth Warren: Corporations Are Not People!
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